Numerical tests show that the complexity of inverse is effectively reduced with the help of the sparse impedance matrix, which is useful in the RCS computation. 用这种方法计算了二维柱体的表面感应电流,分析和计算结果表明阻抗矩阵的稀疏化可以有效地减少其求逆时间,这对于计算散射体的雷达散射截面是很有益的。
The issues including the design and implementation of computing pool, management and dynamic scheduling of computing resources, graph partition and sparse matrix computation library, are discussed in detail. 主要涉及计算池(ComputingPool)的设计、资源的管理与动态分配,以及图论分割和稀疏数值计算库的设计和实现等。
The examples show that both accuracy and stability are better than Runge-Kutta method with four-order. The coefficients of the equation are stored with sparse matrix pattern, so an algorithm is presented which combines a compact storage scheme with reduced computation cost. 算例显示,其精度和稳定性都好于四阶RungeKutta法,并且保留了原系数矩阵的稀疏存储方式和稀疏矩阵的运算规则,使紧缩存储技术和减少计算时间有效的结合。
For large sparse matrix, it is very important to keep the sparse of matrix in computation. 对于大稀疏矩阵,在计算中保持矩阵的稀疏性是很重要的。